Your branch, my branch, long branch?
The Night Owl Assembly celebrates counterculture, spotlighting, the internet’s best and brightest. From art to music, to movies, to cartoons, to retro print ads and odd commercial spots it plays home to these different forms in an effort to spark curiosity, pay homage to our inspirations and push forward this idea that embracing variables is never a bad idea.
Related: “For the Birds” | Night Owl Assembly
On a cold winter’s night, Lynn’s quest for a one night stand is complicated when the guy she goes home with lives two hours away via public transit.
Long Branch is carried by its well-written script and the winning performances of Jenny Raven and Alex House. The delicate balance of lust and romance and the age-old dilemma of young people struggling with less-than-ideal living arrangements give this film universal appeal, but what I loved were the many local touches (Read a full review atwww.shortoftheweek.com).