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Chocolate Spokes: the reward is found within the process not in the outcome

Gregory Crichlow left his architecture job in 2011 to start a bicycle shop in Five Points, a traditionally African-American and Latino neighborhood in Denver. Servicing residents’ bikes keep the doors open, but hand-building steel frames is what inspires him.

Related: “One Man’s Trash” | Monday Morning Motivate

A contribution can happen in many forms. It can be a grand gesture or something simple. A lot of times we get held up in our heads thinking that the paths we choose or choices we make need to lead to this awe-inspiring place where we move the earth towards better a version of itself when the reality is a smaller step will get us closer to our goal.

I know I lose sight of this a lot and fall victim to being paralyzed by this feeling. I feel what makes the story about, Chocolate Spokes, so great and inspiring is Greg’s recognition that serving his community can come from just being available to service their needs rather than just servicing his own.

It’s a great lesson we can all learn from.

Kill it this week!!!

(h/t: Brandon Leonard)

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