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I was trying to think of some cool shit to say, but I don’t really have the words in me right now. It happens. To be honest, the original playlist I was making for today kinda sucked, like, it was really bad. Lucky you guys I spared your ears the bomb it was and came up with this little gem.

Related: The Tuesday Mixtape | “Particular Feels”

I kinda gave up on the title too, but then I found this old photo on my instagram and bam the title came, just like that. Little victories in life I’m telling you are the best!

While trying to be creative at any given moments notice is hard, this instance, just reminded me to listen more to the signs the universe is trying to show you, and trust your gut and your faith that things are going to work out the way you want if you believe they will.

We’re all in God’s hands…enjoy!

Its in god's hands now, god's hands, tuesday mixtape, the soul dynamic, disco, house,

It’s in God’s Hands | A Soul Dynamic Mixtape

Click here or above to listen to our Mixtape via Spotify.

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