Obstacles, challenges, everyday excuses. Things that keep the wall between you and the life you want
We all fall victim to the voices in our head that push us towards self-doubt and defeat. It’s a natural occurrence as humans to approach things we are unfamiliar with, with fear and anger. Now more than ever these theories might be coming to reality.
Related: Monday Morning Motivate | ”
“The Wall,” as stated in this video is self-made. A collection of an inter-monologue created in times of stress and uncertainty. Thinking through disaster scenarios and what will happen to us if we fail. A better question to ask yourself is if you have the drive to reach your dreams? Are you willing to lay it on the line? Are you willing to give it all for a chance at self-fulfillment, at success, or happiness?
The wall is a metaphor for road blocks, missteps, and a field of second chances that went lost because maybe when you attempted the challenge you weren’t ready. Maybe you failed because it wasn’t your time. I like to think that life puts us in situations when we’re absolutely ready for them. What if the past was just training for what lies ahead, and it was never the definition of who we are but more the history of who we are becoming.
Think about it…kick ass this week!