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We are first and foremost a site about inspiration.

Our aim is to always uplift, connect, motivate your spirit. But life is not easy, it’s a challenge. For all the highs you experience, there was a low that came before it. And it is in the lows where our lesson’s lie. It’s in those moments where our character is truly defined and when we learn what we’re made of. Hiding does not bode well in those instances. Granted all moments aren’t created equal, so you may find that you’re amazing in some and weak in others. You may find you like the person you are when it really matters, or that you have a few flaws that need serious tending to. And noticing the elements of you are what causes you to grow. Today we get in touch with the down but not out side of ourselves.

For all the feels: Sad Bear (Emo ish).

FRIENDS INCLUDES: Drugdealer, Porcelain Raft, James Blake, Gold Panda, Dirty Art Club, Willie Nelson and more.

Sad Bear II

Sad Bear (Emo ish) | A Soul Dynamic Mixtape

Click here or above to listen to our Mixtape via Spotify.

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