EDITOR’S NOTE: From time to time we like to tag team story’s here, for us, it’s about working together more than anything else. This marks another one of those occasions and we’d like to use it to introduce our newest contributor — Troy Bell. He’s a guy who’s making a run at Dos Equis’s “Most Interesting Man in the World,” himself being a seasoned traveler, passionate culture chaser and no stranger to good trouble. We worked on this piece in tandem, and it speaks to the idea that you just need to get your dreams going, after that, life will take over.
Troy Bell | Last Wednesday I had the distinct pleasure of finding myself in a sanctuary of sorts. You see, my friend (that editor guy) and I were invited to come to a show and see a performance by artist, Prinz Carlson.
Rene Ramirez | Prinz is a young, up and coming singer in the vain of Citizen Cope. Rough and rugged, his appeal is found in his honest lyrics, easy flow and effortless vibe. He’s currently on tour in Europe, has worked with the likes of the Wu-Tang Clan and is dropping an EP later this fall.
TB | “Come check it out and hear me play some acoustic stuff” he said. So we did.
Upon our arrival I was pleasantly surprised to find that the venue was actually an event space and art gallery that had been set up to feature not only Prinz, but a whole host of acts, poets, artisans and performers.
RR | And the cool thing to see was everyone sharing the space, literally performing in this carefully created safe environment where their creative vision could be seen and heard. Even cooler, written on their faces was this beautiful sense of pride they all took…in the fact that through this artist community they themselves are building — they’re responsible for putting themselves on blast, nobody else.
TB | Organized by Sehiii Live, the event reminded me and all those in attendance that everyone started somewhere. For many of the artists, this was their first show. Their first time displaying their work, sharing their heart and testing their courage in front of both peers and a receptive crowd.
Never mind that so much of this experience was a work-in-progress. I mean, aren’t we all?
The point here is about love for what you do and honing one’s craft.
RR | And organizations like Sehiii are giving young artist’s the opportunities to do just that.
Photographer | Rene Ramirez