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We’ve searched hi and low, near and far for the perfect blog to highlight today’s festival of food. From pilgrim blogs, to blogs that teach you how to make cornucopias, we wanted to find the best blog to highlight the joyous bird that makes our bellies full and football induced nap time — the BEST THING EVER!!!! Welcome to the Turkey Day Re-blog, presented to you by Butterball.

Built from the knowledge of generations of grandmothers, this blog highlights the feathered fowl that’s an American staple throughout the year at renaissance festivals all across the nation (who doesn’t love a town wench holding a huge drumstick – our kinda party), but hit’s its peak in popularity during this holiday.

The best part of this blog, is not only can you find a sick turkey recipe, you can let grandma school you on how to heat this bird up, at their very own Butter Ball University. OH YES! Wonder what the girl to guy ratio is in that class? Sounds like the odds are in our favor.

Between proper preparation, helpful hints and delightful insight, the great people at butterball are here to help you through all your gobble gobble needs. And if you can’t find the answer to your question on their blog, you can always get a hold of old granny on her home phone line and speak with her yourself. She’s around 24/7 to talk turkey.

God bless America and Happy Thanksgiving!


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