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kanyed by the bell, web log


Growing up in the 90’s you’re pre-disposed to loving a few things in life: original Super Nintendo games, rugby polo shirts, portable cd players and everyone’s favorite after school pastime — syndicated episodes of Save By the Bell.

Who didn’t learn about drugs from Jessica Spano’s addiction to caffeine pills, or that being cool in high school was all about having the right gadgets.

For this week’s reblog we mix 90’s culture with a little taste of today, by spotlighting Kanye’d By the Bell.

One part screen shot, two parts lyrical genius — who woulda thought this pair would fit together so nicely? We didn’t.

Definitely a great place to space out for a few minutes…check ‘em out today and check us out later for a new dynamic artist interview.

Writer: Ditto Ramirez

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