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*Lissie covering Kid Cudi’s “Pursuit of Happiness”

We are inspiration.

We are dreams realized.

We are involved in the “Pursuit of Happiness.”

Day after day we post content in the hopes that we lift you, our readers, up. We use phrases like motivate, jumpoff and “get it” as fuel for you — the human vehicle. We use these words to assist all in pursuing and achieving their dream, whatever it may be.

We’ve been super active this week: Spotlighting new artist Yuna, reviewing LCD’s last grand moments and the inaugural Firefly music festival (props to our newest writer Carolyn Gitomer) and hyping South Beach with info on the nurotag show series.

It’s been a fantastic run of days, but remember why we do all this. Remember what it’s all about.

Pursuing that dream. Running down happiness. And we appreciate your company on this most awesome journey.

Have the best weekend all!

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