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This picture is from an article called the “RESCUING HUG”

The article details the first week of life of a set of twins. Apparently each were in their respective incubators and one was not expected to live. A hospital nurse fought against the hospital rules and placed the babies in one incubator. When they were placed together, the healthier of the two, threw an arm over her sister in an endearing embrace. The smaller baby’s heart stabilized and temperature rose to normal.


We’re all in this together. Especially from the get go. Now most of us don’t learn the value of this lesson until a lot later in life. But for two sisters from Worcester, Massachusetts, they learned it straight out the gate.

Born three months premature, twins Kyrie and Brielle, were put in separate incubators to reduce infection. Brielle had complications though and after exhausting all medical options (when things looked their bleakest) – their nurse decided to put them in the same incubator, in hopes that this highly unconventional method would pan out.

It did. And as Brielle was soon brought back to health, her sister Kyrie put her arm over her shoulder in a moment so genuinely beautiful – words do not do justice.

We all need a little help to get by. Apparently these two sisters knew that right off the bat.

A special thank you goes to Summer Skin and many others for bringing this story to light. A little love goes a long way. Follow Her.

Tune in tomorrow for the Carlucci + LaGanke interview and THE FRIDAY JUMPOFF.

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