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30. He-Man will always be my favorite superhero…if you question this we can watch 10 hours of DVR’d Night Owl right now and I’ll prove it to you why.

29. The one good thing about music is when it hits you, you feel no pain.

28. Look everyone in the eyes when you say hi to them.

27. A lot can be learned about yourself just by picking up a pen and writing. It’s the most introspective thing you can do and the most intimate personal thing you can share with someone.

26. Coachella will always be one of my happy places and there’s no better moment in life than the sun setting in the desert with your favorite music playing in the background…absolute surreal feeling.

25. Fate is a real thing – you just need to pay attention to the signs.

24. It’s not what you sell it’s why you sell it – If you don’t believe in what you do and who you are you’ll never convince anyone to listen to you…always have a “Why.”

23. A game of catch is one of the best things you can do to bond with anyone.

22. Never be too cool to make fun of yourself and act like a kid – Life’s too short to care.

21. Make mistakes and fail often, it’s life’s greatest teacher.

20. A good effin’ cookie should always make you happy – this includes all types of baked goods and chocolates.

19. Play your favorite music as loud as you possibly can and sing your ass off!!!

18. Life will never give you anything – you have to earn it.

17. Great leaders understand empathy, but don’t let you use it as an excuse for making mistakes.

16. A few times in life you’ll lose everything you love and dream about – Always trust in the person you know you are and don’t let the noise from other people make you 2nd guess yourself. Those things you loved and dreamed about will come back in another form if you stay true to who you are.

15. Have real conversations with people. Ask them, What they believe in? What scares them? What they love? You’ll realize you have more in common than you think.

14. Being alone in reflection is one of the best things you can do to understand what you want in life. Find a quiet place to think and get away every now and again – I like running…you should try it!

13. Lawn seats at a baseball game, a hot dog and a beer is the best way to spend a Sunday…period.

12. Don’t worry about Money.

11. It’s okay to admit that you were wrong…being stubborn enough to hold on to thinking you were right will never change anything. Get over it. You win some you lose some, that’s life.

10. Never be afraid to take advantage of the moment. The experience will always outweigh the regret of not trying…just say “YES TO LIFE” and roll the dice.

9. Hold yourself to a higher standard, honesty and character are the two things that last forever.

8. Be passionate about everything you involve yourself in.

7. You can’t help or try and be there for everyone. Some people are lost causes that will never change into the person you thought they were. It’s not your fault. The sooner you recognize this the better off you’ll be.

6. Enthusiasm can get you far in life…be effin’ excited to wake up in the morning, you’re fucking ALIVE!!!

5. Allowing yourself to be completely vulnerable to the person you love is the only way you can have a meaningful relationship with them. Often times you get scared to tell them the truth because you feel guilty or ashamed of something that’s happened, only to find out that being completely open and honest actually strengthened your relationship.

4. Take the time out to say, “Thank You” – trust me – and be genuine about it, people can sniff out the bull shit.

3. Make a commitment to yourself to get the things you want in life and always hold yourself accountable.

2. Always keep your head up! – Be proud of who you are, the obstacles you’ve overcome and the work you’ve accomplished to get to where you’re at – Life’s not easy. My Abuela taught this to me when I was little and it’s something I still remember till this day.

1. Every moment in your life should be lived in happiness…in pure, effing, happiness! It’s our job in life to pursue those relationships, occupations, moments and passions that satisfy this everyday, but it’s also our responsibility to recognize those relationships, moments and behaviors that impact us negatively, destroy this idea and are destructive to this feeling. The bigger test in life is learning and being strong enough to let them go. Harder said than done.

Writer | Ditto Ramirez

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