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Not a huge Michael Phelps fan. Maybe it’s because I doubted him for so long, maybe it’s because I wanted him to lose. Or maybe it’s actually cause I wanted to see him prove me wrong. Yeah, that’s why.

The reason I love sports so much, is because brass talks. Championships are forever, and this Phelp’s kid, he’s got copious amounts of brass. We here at the Soul Dynamic talk a lot of reaching for dreams, achieving success, getting after what you want in your world. We talk about how it’s all attainable, we preach consuming yourself with your passion, your love. It’s what we believe in.

That said, all your greatest hero’s aren’t the best because they were the biggest, fastest or even smartest (yeah, there’s hope for this slow one yet), it’s because they outworked everyone else. When all their friends we’re out having a good time, when the whole world was fast asleep, the legends were out working, up thinking, restless, coming up with new ways to elevate themselves. They followed their crazy.

In today’s society, it’s super easy to perceive to the world you’re putting in work, technologies great for the lazy ones. But at the end of the day, it’s you against yourself, you’re the one you have to face day in and day out. You are the only one you can not lie to.

Here’s to continually following your crazy and putting in work…Mr. Phelps has certainly earned my respect for always doing just that.


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