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Nobody Speak

It’s what you want to tell Donathan and Hillary right?

We feel you, us too.

What I love about the jumpoff (other than that heavy dance flow) are the cinematic stories we bring you. That’s why film, video, visual art in my opinion, is the greatest art form (don’t worry that will change after I post this). The greatest because of it’s ability to capture exactly what you want to say, what you’re thinking – amazingly – through a perfect blend of words, the best beats and just the right amount of attitude.

Today’s story isn’t necessarily the most upbeat, but it will make you think. Why can’t we all take a minute and hear each other out (especially us men)? The U.S. is funny in that way, our power is blinding us daily and the rise of the American ego is more prevalent than ever. That’s a dangerous combination friends.

With that, have fun, stay humble and do you ;).

I’m outcha!


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