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We the people are acting.

Whether it’s a worldwide gathering of Women marching for equal rights, or our brother and sister’s protesting at airports against the Muslim Ban and for refugees near and far, or a friendly contested conversation amongst your neighbors – 45 was right about there being a movement, just wrong about it’s direction. If Monday’s motivate was about an American Dream for all, then today’s mixtape is a view into said dream’s reality.

The so-called “American Dream,” has always been a struggle for control of both the direction and narrative of our country. Winner’s write the history books right? The dream is a constant back and forth, a power grab for the keys to our manifest destiny. And if you’ve been paying attention, they’ll all tell you they can’t remember a time that it’s ever been like this. And they’re only correct, because every other time we were in this sit, we most likely weren’t alive. Slavery, the Great Depression, Segregation, World Wars…our young country has been through it people. It’s just now change has arrived once again to test our patriotic resolve. If you really want a piece of the “American Dream,” get involved in the fight to make this country what you want it to be. The real dream lies in the collective action of the people. That is you.

A mixtape connected to the current pulse: Warring Forward.

TODAY’S DREAMER’S INCLUDE: Arcade Fire, A.S.M, Hot Sugar, Stro Elliot, Mons Vi, the Fugees and more.

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Warring Forward | A Soul Dynamic Mixtape

Click here or above to listen to our Mixtape via Spotify.

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