Initiation rolls and joyous cherries pop.
Welcome to the all seeing, all knowing carnival adventure park of the ages.
Where you journey back and forth through all of the times and relive all of the moments worth reliving, while simultaneously passing through universes you somehow always never imagined. All through the back drop of a rapidly built city reppin everything you thought it could be, one that in parallel, lives down to the expectations of what odd beliefs you might think, maybe, perhaps, could turn out to be the worst something or other, call it a “thingamajig,” for old times sake, you’ve ever pictured.
Remembering, it’s all only, solely, about, you.
About all your friends new and old, ragged and alive. About you getting lost in the grand love affair starring, you guessed it, drum roooollll please — you.
About gaining, slipping, accessing, denying, leaving and entering the fabricated, inebriated, LED candy land state of what you ponder your specific human vessel represents at this specific now in the time space continuum.
Each moment, more important than the last…so long as you recall yourself being your most genuine self in that previous moment you recalled as the one more important than the one that came before it.
It’s the building of a crescendo full of hopes and dreams, and the wonderful crashing sights and sounds…and having it all get burnt the fuck down.
Right in front of those precious lil peepers you possess. Damn.
Embrace the hugs, the love, coldness and bitter sweet nothings…high fives, apples pies, sand and wind hitting your beautiful eyes…glares, astonishment and wonderment…acted out on an array of explosive trains, planes and automobiles of the playa variety.
It’s glorious, rich, spontaneous, poor, anxious, ridiculous, sad and always, perpetually, O.K. — all existing in the fleeting space where — you really don’t have time, not to have time.
Writer / Rene Ramirez
Photographers / Ditto & Rene Ramirez / A.K.A. The Brothers Ramirez