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We’re back.

And you know this. But what does that mean? The other broham Ramirez said we’ve been “punched” in the mouth. All right, now what?

Our answer, surrender to the groove.

Surrender hard people. 2017 is going to be our year, it’s going to be about whatever you want it to be. Our vision is to continue the inspirational vibes and continue connecting you to the sounds that you love, while introducing you to new generations of music along the way. So with a decent amount of help from the end of 2016, we present the sounds of the next 365.

Listen up.

TODAY’S FRIENDS INCLUDE: The XX, Bonobo, Run The Jewels, Leif Vollebekk, Childish Gambino and more.

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This is 2017 | A Soul Dynamic Mixtape

Click here or above to listen to our Mixtape via Spotify.

To get automatic updates of the Tuesday Mixtape follow our TSD Tuesday Mixtape Radio playlist HERE


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