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We’re currently in the process of putting together new bangers for you. But today, we wanted to throw this classic mixtape back at you to remind you summertime is fun time! Hope you’re having some!

True Romance, what does that even mean today? It ain’t what it was 10 years ago, 5 years ago or even 10 days ago. What constitutes our modern relationships is constantly on the move. One day you’re infatuated, the next…over it. Thanks to technology, you’re merely a stroke, click or swipe away from finding what you want, or don’t want, at any given moment.

That’s the new environment, but at the end of the day, love still conquers all. And from start to finish the ride is always worth it. So today’s mixtape is about the fleeting moments between you and a fling, the hook up culture, the awakening you go through when falling and the entire good, bad and ugly that happens in between. It’s always a process, none of it simple, most of it fun, but regardless of what fate has in store for you, it ends up being a large part of our every day lives. Now more than ever we need to pay more attention, practice patience and put in work. That magic will happen (it always does), but until it does – soak it up.

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True Romance | A Soul Dynamic Playlist

Click here or above to listen to our Mixtape via Spotify.

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