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Kids man, they’re the best (for the most part).

Brutally honest, can smell the B.S.coming a mile away and filled with an innocent courage allowing them to love unconditionally. They know no other way.

The world would be a better place if we all operated on their level and took their lead on P’s and Q’s from time to time. We’d learn a tremendous amount.

So, as my dude Kid President aptly says, “I think we all need a peep talk.” His state of our lives is both poignant and humorous, and what stuck with me most were these timely words, “If life is a game, aren’t we all on the same team…I’m on your team, be on my team…if we’re all on the same team, let’s start acting like it.” And the whole giving the world a reason to dance line resonates all too well, as it should always with us…you know how we do.

So as your fellow teammate on this planet orbital thing, I ask, what will be your Space Jam this week?


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